Thursday 24 March 2011

Ironman training with a full time "job"

There comes a point when you realise that unless you are a full time professional athlete, the reality is you hold down a full time/part time job (which pays the bills) and may possibly support a family at the same time. I witness this weekly when meeting up with my fellow training mates at group training sessions and hear the various stories that are shared, "my kids kept me up early this morning", or "I got back from work late yesterday and it ruined my training" or even "my wife says we are like two ships passing in the night.." These are common stories that one will hear no matter which country or walk of life you find yourself in... Its all about balance!

Now its easier said then done, I know, but if you sit and think about it, it's about priorities in your daily life and making sure that what is more important, takes preference. Training is addictive! You realise that the more you put in, the more you get rewarded with a rush of endorphins, possibly a better physique and a healthy if not more active outdoor lifestyle. Why would you want to sacrifice all this? again... balance!

Nothing need be sacrificed, however, if you find yourself yawning in office meetings, or "nodding off" during another boring presentation or perhaps too tired to be creative in your office environment, it may be a time to take stock and re-establish the correct balance, after all, an extra 3hrs on your bike before work in the morning is not going to pay the bond on your house at the end of the month?

Before I start a riot here, my intention is not to curb the enthusiasm of a new-commer to triathlon and the training required to race such distances as ironman, but merely to understand how important time management is, as well as those closest to you. After all, its the support of those who endure all your cranky moments during long and hard training periods that get you through your races... embrace their support, you will need it like your body craves an ice cold water sachet on a hot day of racing, 2km back!

So, can you hold a full time job and train for ironman? Of course you can, just dont lose track of the priorities in your life, you will still need to be responsible for them long after the final person has completed the race! 

Keep the Balance...

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